Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Thirty Days of Thankfulness-A Countdown #22

22. Today I am thankful for separation.
I really don't like good-byes. Not in the least bit. I don't like being apart from those I love. But that is why I am thankful for separation. Because it's in those times of being apart that you realize what you have. What you miss. What you may have taken for granted when you were overwhelmed with the stress of being in the same space for long periods of time.
Truly, I miss and appreciate my parents and siblings so much more today than I did when I was a self-absorbed high school student! I would love to live in the same town with them, but the separation causes our intentional reunions to be that much richer and fuller, and we value quick resolve to conflicts as our time always seems too short.
Though I may never get the privilege of having all my family live in the same town (again) until heaven, I cherish the time we are together and use it more meaningfully than I used to.
I also love the weekends because we get my husband at home all the day instead of those brief three hours between dinner and bedtime (for the kids). During the week, we eagerly await his arrival after work because we feel his absence during the day. And, David has something to look forward to when he's done with work. His own personal fan club!
And all of this is why I am thankful for separation.

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