Friday, April 13, 2018

Other: Five Minute Friday

Three months? This is by far the longest FMF gap I've had. Here's the linkup to Five Minute Friday.
So, here we go on the prompt "other".

"What are your other interests?"
It seems like life wants us to narrow down who we are and what we do into a nice, neat package.
And yet, we resist this labeling.

"I am more!" we cry.

"I want more!" is our inner cry.

You see, what is that "other" interest, pursuit, keeping you from being wholly fulfilled to the core of your soul?

These challenging thoughts have been a very clear message to me lately from the Holy Spirit.

Am I living for myself? Or am I living for God and what He wants to do through me?

These convictions don't lead to shame or guilt, but a mindfulness and a sense of renewed purpose.

Do I want my life to be filled with Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control?
If so, then that person of the Holy Spirit needs to be my center.
The task list can wait and the emails are going to be there when I'm done, but I need to worship.

Worship is like breathing. If you're not experiencing worship, full, unabandoned daily worship, you are not taking care of your spirit. This can be different for many of us. Worship and music are intertwined for me, but I'm a musical creature and music is my love language. I LOVE to sing praises to God and play music for Him, and to worship with others as well.

Maybe it's reading your Bible quietly, maybe it's journaling, or creating artistic verse images.

Though the timer has rung, perhaps you've begun to hear that still small voice like I have.

Blessings, friends.


This song has been stuck in my head for weeks, but I couldn't remember how it began. Every week at church I would hear the interlude in my head with the female vocals (and no words there). A friend of mine was able to find it for me, based on my "ah-ah-ah-ah" rendition of the interlude. :) Enjoy!


  1. Glad you posted again, Tammy! I knew it had been a while but I didn't realise it had been 3 months!
    Thanks for sharing what God has been speaking to you about. I agree, it is a challenge to consider whether we're really putting God first and making time to connect with him. Music is one of the ways I love to do that too!

    1. Lesley,
      thank you. I hadn't realized the length either. It has been a busy school year over here!
      It feels good to have something to say again. Thank you for being here.

  2. Yes! This: "If you're not experiencing worship, full, unabandoned daily worship, you are not taking care of your spirit."

    All the Amens, my friend! (and Me, too!)

    1. Karrilee,
      Oh thank you, dear friend. I love the 'me too's! :) That is by far the greatest reason to be a part of FMF!
      Let's keep encouraging each other in this.

  3. Good to see you back, Tammy. You've been missed. And good essay and video.

    1. Thank you, Andrew.
      It's good to have you back as well, though I know that's not something I can bank on. :)

  4. So good to see you back. We've missed you friend! Worship is such a gift.

    1. Tara,
      as I was replying to comments yesterday, it froze on me and I had to wait. :) It's good to see you too. I'm glad I can keep up with you on Facebook in the meantime.

  5. I've not been on FMF for God knows how long...many months maybe even a year. But YOU are still in my inbox! I loved reading this today: Am I living for myself? Or am I living for God and what He wants to do through me?

    I am in a season of self-rediscovery. I know that God is working, and I am working through His will for my life. I am not sure what he has planned but bit by bit I'm feeling a bit more whole. Thank you for your post! Jennifer

    1. Jennifer,
      oh my friend! Hooray! Thank you for taking the time to read and respond. I am so blessed to be connected with you once again.

  6. It is good to "see" you back on FMF, Tammy. Thank you for speaking of the importance of worship in your beautiful post and for introducing me to the worship song, "Have it all." Blessings.

    1. Oh Esther, so delighted to have you in my company! :) Your words always have depth and yet, you select them carefully. Not one is wasted. Thank you for being here!

  7. Awww, Tammy. I love this post. When I'm burdened with too many to-do's, too much uncertainty, I have a hard time choosing worship. But you're right, worship is our soul's life-breath. May we both choose to worship Him. To seek to be fully filled by Him. To worship Him in our daily lives.

    God has made you a musical creature, with an amazing voice. Just sayin'. SO, very truly thankful for you, my friend!

    1. PS—I'd never heard that song before, but man, I needed to hear it. I need to remember I belong to God first. Not to me, or to anyone else. All of me, including my heart. I want to hold it up to him in outstretched hands and sing that song to Him. Thank you for sharing!

    2. Jeanne,
      you are so sweet. Thank you for being here, thank you for your prayers and friendship, and I am SO glad I could pour life into you with this song.
