Friday, May 6, 2016

Miss: Five Minute Friday

Kate's linkup is live. I again missed the Twitter party, but there were so many other things I didn't want to miss, that I couldn't do it all.

Which leads me to our prompt:


Since I wrote about pass and fail last week, missing the mark would have been a natural follow-up. I'm not going there. Truly, my friend Andrew from the FMF community came to mind immediately with the post, because I know someday he will be missing from the linkup. And I will miss him.

And you know, miss is a negative. It represents an absence, or even something that once was, but is no more. (Can you hear my math teaching coming through?)
When we were made, we had a hole. And we spend our entire lives trying to fill it.
We know we're missing something.
Some of us are better at filling that void than others.

The example of daily manna in the desert, though, is where I'm taking us.

" Then the Lord said to Moses, “I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day. In this way I will test them and see whether they will follow my instructions. On the sixth day they are to prepare what they bring in, and that is to be twice as much as they gather on the other days.”
(Exodus 16:4-5)

If we miss gathering our strength for the day, it's evident by the end of the day. This is not a legalistic mandate to "do devotions", but an invitation from God. We're invited to spend time with Him daily. He wants to bless us. He doesn't want us to face the day without Him.
He doesn't want us to miss out on what He's got for us.

Instead of looking at time with God as an obligation, look at it as an invitation. Something you don't want to miss.
Miss could represent a yearning or a desire for something you don't have.

I know God misses me when He doesn't get time with me. He loves me, and desires good things for me. (Parable about rocks and bread and fish and snakes, anybody?)

**So, I was in and out of my typing because I was not at home and had people needing my attention. Please forgive me if I actually took more than five minutes.**

I don't have comment luv or bloglovin or wordpress, so if you tell me your linkup number, I can then read your delightful post and leave you the same gratification of commenting that you have given me. :)


  1. Beautifully stated. I loved your take on "miss". #58 on FMF

    1. Maxine,
      sorry for the delay and thank you so much for the comment!

  2. Well done, my friend! I always enjoy your take on the prompts! (And I will miss Andrew as well!) I'm in at #64 this week over at Kate's!

    1. Karrilee,
      oh so good to see you! I'm hoping to catch up on posts tonight. Thank you for your love!

  3. I'll miss Andrew too. Amd he was what I thought of immediately too. I was just talking about manna with my confirmation kids this week. I loved this take friend. I'm in the 68 spot this week.

    1. Tara,
      boy, we're twins, aren't we? :) So glad when we're in the same places!

  4. Well, this is the second post about manna I've read today- seems like God is saying something! I really do notice the difference if I don't take time to spend with God- definitely something missing- but I'd never really thought that he misses it too. I will also miss Andrew. I'm at #48.

    1. Carly,
      who else is collecting manna? :) Thanks so much for your comment. I'll be over to visit soon!

  5. Still here, though I staggered through the past few days.

    Love the way you changed the spin on MISS! Good show!

    #2 at FMF

    1. Andrew,
      oh you have no idea how much it means that you left me a comment! :) (And if you read the other ones, you're going to be missed. Just sayin')
      So glad you enjoyed this. Miss doesn't have to be a negative, exactly.
