Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Thirty Days of Thankfulness-A Countdown: #8

8. Today I am thankful for Closed Doors.
The last two years I have enjoyed leading worship time for the Tuesday morning Women's Bible study at our church. This year, they are going to try to have all the time used for Bible study without a lead-in worship time.
Having had that door closed, just a couple days later I received a phone call asking if I'd want to lead chapel for our kids' private school.
The last two years I've also been thrilled to lead the song/story time at our church's summer Vacation Bible School.
I told someone, "If I could just do this for a living, I'd be so happy."
Well, it may not be my living, but I'm doing it all year this year!!!
Oh today, the first day, was a fun, exciting day! I got to lead chapel at our school for preschool all the way up through the 5th grade. I was dressed in brown and khaki and spoke with an accent. (a mix of "Dr. Livingston I presume" meets "Crocodile Dundee")
(going with a Jungle theme for the chapel year)
We sang, we danced, we worshiped, we learned about the Fruits of the Spirit, we learned about the Helmet of Salvation, and why you shouldn't wear flip-flops in the jungle.
One of the best times I have ever had getting to use all that I was made to do to worship the one I love, and to get others to do it to! :D
So thankful for the opportunity and trust placed in me to lead a group of 90 and a smaller group of about 25 kids!
This year is going to be so much fun!!
Sometimes, a door closes so another can open. Instead of looking back, look for that next opening.

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