Monday, August 11, 2014

30 Days of Thankfulness

Many of my friends on Facebook are posting challenges and tagging names to encourage us to spend our time reflecting on the good in our lives. This is a great exercise, but I really don't like guilt and obligation in general. Much like chain letters of the past, you feel negativity overwhelming the good that is trying to be accomplished.

So, I will be instead counting down to my tenth wedding anniversary.
These will be short posts, but I am going to post for the next 30 days one thing that I am thankful for as I count down to the celebration of one of the best changes of my life-from fiance to wife.

30. I am thankful for life. I will be turning 33 this October and truly, my thirties have been so full and rewarding (and not without challenge, of course.) Just before my 30th birthday, we welcomed our 3rd daughter. Just before her pregnancy, I was pregnant for a week before losing the pregnancy. Life will always become more precious after the experience of loss.
Each girl we have been given has been a joy and a blessing and a challenge and an opportunity to be less selfish.
So ultimately, I begin my thankfulness with life.

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