I'm so excited to make my first FMF contribution of 2019.
I love this community and have been really living in a new year with my walk with Christ this school year.
My word transformed from "All" in November. We took a family trip to the coast and the word "Still" became my new word. That was confirmed in December.
Exodus 14:14 "The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still."
This week's prompt at Five Minute Friday is "Opportunity."
Here we go:
When God gives you a dream, it may start out as a small idea that you're not even sure you'd entertain again. When the dream continues to visit you, something begins to stir and the dream becomes a passion. When you get the opportunity to take that dream and turn it into a reality, that opportunity from God becomes a direct graft into the vine. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5
In March I got the opportunity to go with our church to La Oscurana in Guatemala. I had a dream two years ago to bring instruments to the children so they would be able to worship even if the music in their heads wasn't the same as the sounds they produced when they sang. God helped me every step of the way, and His grace removed all barriers.
The children were in school when we visited and I was allowed to teach during their regular school day. I had 12 and 13 year old boys who in the afternoons ignored the soccer balls we brought and instead sat with me in the breezeway, hungry for more music instruction.
One student, even on my final day, ignored the pinata and the fresh watermelon, desperate to master the "Father I Adore You" round I had written on a notecard.
My five minutes is up, but my story is only beginning. What God allowed me to be a part of in that little village has made me feel a new spark of life in my heart. I was born to do this. I was born to worship God, and to share that worship with new faces, in a new language.
I have no greater joy than when I work with children and sing about our Jesus!