Friday, October 27, 2017

Overcome:Five Minute Friday

When I saw that the prompt was “overcome”, I thought hard. Am I overcoming or am I being overcome?
I have had some refining and growing experiences over the past seven days.
And, some reinforcement of those principles as the days have gone on.
God had my full attention, He was calling me to press into him.
And yet, I still was not ready to fully embrace the calling of the moment.
I was stirred, passionate, ready for action, and then I froze.

The results of my inhibition were the exact results I’d predicted, but the aftermath did not leave me unscathed either.
I still had to learn some things about myself.
I’m still processing much of this.
Remember the verse about Mary pondering this in her heart?
I’m trying to do more of that.

I’m reading a book titled “Fiercehearted”, the very first story is on conflict. On embracing conflict.
On the ways that going through conflict actually makes relationships deeper.
I’m the opposite of embracing conflict. I’d rather know I’m right and hold my tongue than risk a flare of nostrils from one being challenged by my words.

There is a time and a season for everything, and I need to see these moments with my spiritual lenses.
My battle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces. (Eph 6:12)

My friend Marie speaks of standing firm in her post here:
I could so relate! I’m wanting to be Barnabas and encourage others, but sometimes that means speaking truth in love.
It means bracing myself for what is right and how it can clash with what is wrong, and being willing to state that something is wrong.
Oh, friends, this is a scary new place for me, and along with it is overcoming my need for approval.

*time has ended*

Here's the FMF link

Thanks for walking with me, one day at a time.
- Tammy

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Invite: Five Minute Friday

I participate in "Five Minute Friday" as often as I can. Weekly, at we have a one-word prompt that we free-write on for only five minutes. No edits, no fanfare, just our sweet offerings in a community of gifted writers that pour out encouragement and "me too".

I was so excited to write this week and had hoped that I could incorporate the prompt into my words.
The prompt is "invite" and it fits so perfectly!!

How often are we rushing through our lives? We are trying to maximize our time and be efficient, and we don't slow down for anything. We tell our kids to "hurry up" more than we tell them "I love you".


Recently, I was going to be at an appointment that I knew would take longer than I wanted it to take. I was trying to prepare my heart to have a good attitude, when God softly whispered to me.

"What if I want to bless you? Would you be willing to linger? Would you soak and savor in that blessing from me?"

My attitude was completely changed! All of a sudden I was looking at this with brand new eyes.
God was inviting me to a chance to be blessed.
I couldn't wait!

And I thought, what if I were looking for His blessing in every situation? Especially the difficult ones? Would I find it there, hidden from plain sight but obvious to one searching?

Last night, I was one of the lucky people in our small Oregon town to attend a Cloverton concert.
Their new album, "Bloom" is full of meaningful lyrics and each song was either filling my heart, or speaking to me where I was at. Lance, the lead singer, took time in the concert to be intentional and speak to us in the audience about what God is trying to do for us. Their music ministry is by far the largest blessing I've ever received at a concert.
I came expecting to be entertained, but I left with my heart refreshed and my soul restored.
Truly, if you are anywhere near their tour, I cannot tell you enough what God is doing right now through them! They have a young lady opening for them named "Linsley" who is gifted, sweet, and even told me she'd be praying for our worship conference next week.

How often do you meet a touring group that is selfless and giving, instead of self-focused and entitled?

God is trying to bless us right now. We need only to look for the blessing. Will you take Him up on his invitation?
Linsley's Song "Give it a rest" was absolutely beautiful. Her voice is such a gift!
 Cloverton's new song "Here it Comes" was by far my favorite at the concert!!!

P.S. Thank you for your comments! I have found that even though I reply well, I don't always make it over to your blog in return, and I apologize if I don't. Know that I will make an effort to read your offering as well if you tell me your linkup number.