The word is Blue.
At first, I thought of color. And then I thought that I didn't have any thoughts. So I tweeted at the #fmfparty that I wouldn't be blue for long.
And then? Explosion of creativity!
For actually, I did have a moment of blues recently. Most days I'm peppy and optimistic and focused on God and doing well. But last Wednesday? A week ago? I got asked that dreaded "are you expecting" question. And you've seen the "baby or burrito" website? It was my dinner. A tasty home-made pinto-bean crockpot burrito recipe.
Still, the question plagued me well into the next day. I've not been as physically active as I'd like. My comfort tends to be sweet, sugary, or high-calorie. And, though I've not gained anything in the last four months, I haven't lost anything either.
My younger sister called and talked to me for a long time. What a blessing! She really helped me pull out of it.
After three babies, and my abs separating each time, I've had to accept, like Jennifer Garner, that there's always going to be a "baby bump". But I don't need to have the baby blues.
God made me to have children, not to be a bikini model. Am I modeling the fruits of the Spirit? Am I directing attention to Him consistently? If people think of Jesus when they see me, then the pressure is off as far as my physical consistency goes. This is not to say it doesn't matter if you exercise, but that just as we are never the same after having children, we are never the same after meeting Jesus!
I love Nichole Nordeman's song "Legacy". At Women of Faith Portland this past December, I got to hear some backstory. Truly, the growth in our spiritual lives is much more important than the growth in our clothing sizes.
I tweeted this morning, after seeing an incourage photo on Facebook, "The body is falling apart but the spirit is growing! I use anti-aging products, but the real vigor of life is not in a bottle-it's in my Bible."
If you too are feeling blue because you're outwardly wasting away, take courage! Inwardly you are being renewed.