At the same moment, a clear picture came to me of Esther. She had to have courage to approach the King. Though she had been chosen by him, he had not commanded her to come before him. She was fearful but still she went before him, and he extended his scepter to her. She was welcome and he delighted in her presence.
God does not give us a
summons, nor does He order us to approach His throne. We, like Esther,
must step out and come before Him. We are painfully aware of His
holiness and our sin, but He has extended His scepter, His grace, His
one and only Son, Jesus Christ. All we have to do is approach and accept
this wondrous gift. Were we to spend our lives without God, we would be
summoned before His throne for a final judgment that deserve-an
eternity apart from Him.
God's grace is a wonderful gift and learning to listen to His voice as He speaks truth into our hearts is a worthy goal that we can spend our lifetime pursuing!
picture courtesy:
1. Distant Shores Media/Sweet Publishing [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
2. José Manuel Suárez [CC-BY-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons