Saturday, June 3, 2017

Future: Five Minute Friday

Welcome to another wonderful week of Five Minute Friday posting! We have a website now!   So thankful to all who have worked to make it possible. :)
The prompt this week is "Future".

I had two thoughts in my head. One was investments. And futures. And how I know those terms are related but didn't know what "futures" actually were. Here's the internet's offering on the subject:

"Futures are financial contracts obligating the buyer to purchase an asset or the seller to sell an asset, such as a physical commodity or a financial instrument, at a predetermined future date and price."

Well. I could stop now. That's Jesus right there!

:) But I get five minutes, so I'll keep going. Jesus bought our futures and paid for them. We can rest knowing we are redeemed, but we have to claim that redemption!

The other thought? One of my favorite Hymns. "Because He Lives"

The chorus says, "Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future, and life is worth the living just because He lives."

So, if Jesus is our life and our focus and our future, then everything is because of Him and due to Him and all for Him. Wouldn't our churches look different if we all believed this?

If I'm investing in the future, I am investing in the spiritual legacy I'll leave with my children, and someday grand and great-grand children. I'm investing in the lives of the students I teach. I'm investing in the lives of this amazing FMF community by reading and responding and encouraging and "Me-too-ing"!!

Relationships will be eternal, but nothing else will last.

And now for the corny 90s Jesus poster.

"My future's so bright, I've gotta wear shades."

Remember that one? There IS truth behind it, though.

Sunset this Wednesday

This doesn't do justice to the colors Wednesday night!
Out of time for my five minute limit, but so glad for the Future because we'll both be there together!

P.S. Please include your linkup number or url in your comments for me so I can find you and post and comment back!!


  1. Hey neighbor! I'm can be found at the 86th spot this week. You are investing wisely in your future and believe God has the biggest hand in it.

  2. I love that hymn! I actually heard it earlier today for the first time in ages and I was reminded of how great it is.
    I also love your comments about leaving a legacy for the future by investing in relationships- that's so important! Great photos too!
    I'm at #25 this week.

  3. Love the essay and the pictures. And now I, too, know what 'futures' are.

    And it's so bright, I GOTTA wear shades.

  4. Gorgeous photos. Because He Lives is such a great song. You are indeed investing wisely my friend. I'm over in the 96 spot this week.

  5. Love how you tied in the definition of futures with our future in Jesus. Nice thought!
